How Can We Help?
Here at The Naturopathic Clinic we take a holistic long term approach to your health.
We will spend time with you understanding the whole picture; gaining knowledge of all of the components that could be affecting your health.
We will then work with you to create a unique treatment plan; ensuring we treat the cause of your illness not just the symptoms so that you can achieve long term results. We will look at your diet, nutrient deficiencies, infections, allergies, your toxin levels, stress and other factors that could be affecting your health. We will also carry out relevant testing including pathology tests, QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis) kinesiology testing and other relevant testing to give us a clearer picture of the causes and solutions that will benefit you. Supplements will then be used to support the body where nutrient deficiencies or infections are identified. Dietary and exercise recommendations will also be part of our holistic approach to get your health back on track.
We pride ourselves on having healthy, satisfied patients through natural methods. We strongly believe that the natural remedies and treatments we offer will be of help to you in getting you on the path to wellness.
To find out more about how we can help you with your health condition and start you on your journey to wellness please either book online here or call us on 022 017 6033
Conditions We Treat
Skin conditions - acne, eczema, rashes
Chronic pain
Weight loss
Digestive issues
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Hormone imbalances
Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
Allergies – food and environmental
Common children’s conditions – stomach pains, food allergies, ADHD, eczema
Adrenal fatigue
Auto-immune conditions
Pain management
And many others.